Can a Jell-O Shot Be Classy? Jelly Shot Test Kitchen Says Yes
The last party you attended with Jell-O shots is probably not one on which you want to model your wedding. But I'm seeing a resurgence of kitschy gelatin ideas (punch jelly, aspic) that are updated in sophisticated ways.
The biggest proponent of this trend is Michelle Palm, the blogger behind Jelly Shot Test Kitchen (whose book by the same name was just released). Palm reinterprets classic cocktails (French 75, margarita, old-fashioned) in jelly shot form, using only fine ingredients like fresh fruit and quality liquors.
The idea appeals to the kid in me, and they're surprisingly beautiful. Take a gander.
Palm shows them served on plates or individually in paper or spoons. What do you think about this idea for weddings?
The biggest proponent of this trend is Michelle Palm, the blogger behind Jelly Shot Test Kitchen (whose book by the same name was just released). Palm reinterprets classic cocktails (French 75, margarita, old-fashioned) in jelly shot form, using only fine ingredients like fresh fruit and quality liquors.
The idea appeals to the kid in me, and they're surprisingly beautiful. Take a gander.
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