Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Iced Coffee 101

ced Coffee 101

Iced Coffee
- Merrill
Every year, usually around this time, I feel the strong urge to make the shift from hot coffee to iced -- and once I switch, I usually stick with it until fall rolls around. It's a bit of a coffee conviction. And I happen to be more particular about my iced coffee than my lattés and drips. To me, it's important that the coffee be strong enough to stand up to a generous ration of milk, but there should be enough ice to ensure that the coffee stays cold, and the sides of the cup dewy. The solution to what seems like an insurmountable challenge? Espresso ice cubes, of course!
With just an ice cube tray and a little planning, you too can soon be sipping a frigid, rich iced coffee in the comfort of your own kitchen.
Iced Coffee
Serves 1
  • 1 to 2 cups brewed, cooled espresso
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup coffee, cooled
  • Milk to taste

Iced Coffee
Here's how you make the iced coffee.
041311f_003First, get out your best ice cube tray. Amanda recently got this one at Muji. We love the square cubes it makes!

041311f_013We're big fans of espresso at the push of a button. Apologies to all the purists out there -- sometimes speed is of the essence!

041311f_023I started with a cup and a half.

041311f_038Then I made another long shot to top off the last few hollows.

041311f_041See the other funky ice cube tray behind this one? Perfect for nearly 5-year-olds.

041311f_050While the cubes were freezing, I combined sugar and water (in a 1:1 ratio) to make a simple syrup.

041311f_056You just need to stir until the sugar dissolves.

041311f_062041311f_436Next, I brewed up a strong pot of coffee in the French press.

041311f_441041311f_509Espresso ice cubes are done!

041311f_516The ice cube tray is rubber, so it's really fun to push out the cubes.

041311f_534The cubes have a little cap of foam, just like the perfect cup of espresso!

041311f_556Coffee on coffee. Yum.

041311f_561041311f_567All it needs now is a little milk!

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