The Secret Google Chilling Vat
Thanks again Google Zurich
I do have a funny little story from the Zurich offices. We did a Google+ hangout from one of their special conference rooms. It was called “SkyNet”, and halfway through the hangout, the windows shades started to automatically close. It was really eerie and I made a joke about SkyNet, and there was nervous laughter behind me.Daily Photo – The Secret Google Chilling Vat
On the tour around the cool Zurich offices, Brian White took me into this watery oasis. It is where euro-Googlers come to nap when they need a brain-break. I don’t know for sure, but I imagine them slinking around in here while wearing trendy euro-clubbing clothes.There were soft water-sounds wafting about, and everything was very zen. You can choose whatever sleeping arrangement you like: the porcelain tub filled with red foam cubes, the leathery massage chair that doesn’t ask questions, or many more..
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