"The universe is not something that is created if it was created. It has definitely created by God directly and out of nothing," he wrote materialist philosopher George Politzer, in his Principes de Philosophie Fondamentaux. "
Just because a fanatic in the belief that "God is not there" as a scientist Politzer stubborn defense of the opinion, that the universe is not something created. But there are so alone, by itself.
Devotees materalisme model confidence "infinite universe" as the basis for an atheist to understand the footing. They say the universe is a quiet, infinitely wide, not expanded, and remains, from the beginning until later.
Here is an idea that flourished in the 19th century. Besides laying the foundation works to understand the material, this view is automatically reject the existence of the Creator (Al-Khaliq) and states that the universe has no beginning and end.
Materialism is a system of thought that believes in the absolute existence of matter as the only and reject the existence of any other material. Rooted in ancient Greek culture, and gain wide acceptance in the 19th century. Systems thinking has become popular in the dialectical materialism of Karl Marx understood.
When Politzer contends that the universe was not created out of nothing, they stand on the static universe model of the 19th century, and thought he was submitting a scientific statement. Funny thing is, the discovery of knowledge and technology developed in the 20th century finally named demolish the ancient idea of this materialism.
Astronomy Says: Universe Created
In 1929, the Mount Wilson observatory in California, the American astronomer, Edwin Hubble made one of the largest discoveries in the history of astronomy.
While observing the stars with a giant telescope, they found that they emit red light according to the distance. This means that the stars are "moving away from" us. Because, according to the known laws of physics, the spectrum from the light source is moving toward the observer tends to purple, whereas observers tend to stay away from red.
Before long, Hubble made another important discovery. Stars and galaxies moved away not just from us, but also from one another. The only thing that can be deduced from a universe where all things are moving away from each other is that it constantly "expands".
To be more easily understood, the universe can be likened to the surface of the balloon is expanded. As a point on the surface of the balloon to move away from each other as the balloon rises, the objects in space move away from each other as the universe continues to grow.
Actually, this fact has been found theoretically before. Albert Einstein, who is acknowledged as the greatest scientist of the 20th century, based on calculations he made in theoretical physics, has concluded that the universe can not be static. But, he put his findings, only so as not to conflict with the static universe model wide acknowledged that time. In later years, Einstein realized acting as' the greatest offense in his career.
What do the expansion of the universe? Dissemination of the universe means that if the universe can move backward into the past, it will prove to have originated from a point. Calculations show that the "single point" that contains all the material universe must have 'zero volume' and 'infinite density'. The universe is created by an explosion of zero point of this volume.
Giant explosion that marks the beginning of the universe is called 'Big Bang', and his theory is known by this name exists. Please note 'zero volume' which is the theoretical expressions used to communicate. Knowledge to define the concept of 'absence', which is beyond human comprehension, just as true as bervolume point zero '.
In fact, "the point is not the absence of volume-'''means. Thus the universe came from nothing. In other words, it was created. The fact that the universe was created, discovered by modern physics in the 20th century, it was mentioned in the Holy Qur 's 14 centuries ago: "He is the Creator of heaven and earth." (Al-An'am: 101)
Big Bang theory showed, all things in the universe is the manifestation in the first place, and then separated. This means that all materials created by the Big Bang or a huge explosion of a point, and now make up the universe by means of separation from each other.
Big Bang, disgusting to the material facts The
Big Bang is a clear indication that the universe was 'created out of nothing', in other words they are created by God. For this reason, astronomers are confident understanding of the material always rejected the idea of the Big Bang and defend the infinite universe.
This rejection reason is revealed in the words of Arthur Eddington, one of the famous materialist physicist, who said: "The philosophical, the idea of a sudden start of the order of Nature there is really disgusting to me."
The other material, leading British astronomers, Sir Fred Hoyle, including those most affected by the Big Bang theory. In the middle of the 20th century, Hoyle called forward a theory similar to the Steady-state theory of the universe to be "in the 19th century.
Steady-state theory states the universe is infinite and eternal measure for the period. With the purpose of defending the materialist view, this theory is really the opposite of the Big Bang theory, which says that the universe has a beginning. Those who maintain steady-state theory has been opposed to the Big Bang theory. However, knowledge is actually damaging their eyes.
In 1948, Gerge Gamov come with other ideas about the Big Bang. He says that after the formation of the universe by a giant explosion, radiation left behind by this boom must be in the world. In addition, this radiation should be spread in all parts of the universe. The proof that 'must have' is finally found. In 1965, two researchers named Arno Penziaz and Robert Wilson find this wave by accident. This radiation, called cosmic background radiation, does not appear to radiate from a particular source, but covering the whole area. Thus, it is known that this radiation is radiation left from the beginning remains the Big Bang. Penzias and Wilson was awarded the Nobel prize for their discovery.
In 1989, NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer satellite to send [COBE] into space to do research on cosmic background radiation. Only takes 8 minutes for COBE to prove the calculations Penziaz and Wilson. COBE had found the rest of the giant explosion that has occurred at the beginning of the universe. Described as the greatest astronomical discoveries of the time, these findings clearly prove the Big Bang theory.
Other important evidence for the Big Bang is the amount of hydrogen and helium in space. In various studies, it is known that the concentration of the hydrogen-helium in the universe correspond to theoretical calculations of hydrogen-helium concentration of remnants of the Big Bang. If the universe has no beginning, and if it had been there since a long time, should have exhausted the hydrogen element altogether and turned into helium.
All this evidence caused the Big Bang theory accepted by the scientific community. Big Bang model is the last point accessible knowledge about the origins of the universe. However, this universe was created by God the Almighty perfectly flawless: ".. Who created the seven heavens in layers you do not see the creatures of God, Most Gracious, an unbalanced repeated lihtatlah So, is there something that you see something that is not balanced." (Al-Mulk: 3)
Perfection Form explosion
All evidence to convince the above has caused the Big Bang theory accepted by the scientific community. Big Bang model is the last point accessible knowledge about the origins of the universe. However, this universe was created by God the Almighty with the absence of perfect flawless.
Dennis Sciama, who for many years with Sir Fred Hoyle argued Steady-state theory, which is contrary to the facts of the creation of the universe, explaining the position they have achieved the end after all the evidence for the Big Bang theory revealed. Sciama stated that it is defending Steady-state theory, not because it is perceived truth, but because they hope that this is true.
Sciama goes on to say, when evidence began to grow, it must be admitted that the competition was over and Steady-state theory must be rejected. Prof. George Abel from the University of California also received the final victory of the Big Bang and said that now there is evidence to suggest that the universe began billions of years ago with the Big Bang. He acknowledged that he had no choice but to accept the Big Bang theory.
With the win the Big Bang, mythical 'material remains' a materialist understanding of the underlying footing terhempaskan into the scrap heap of history. Then the existence of what is before the Big Bang, the universe and all the strength that leads to 'no' with a giant boom experienced during the 'no'?
Arthur Eddington to borrow a phrase, this question clearly leads to the fact that 'the philosophical disgusting' for those material, ie the existence of the Creator, aka The Creator, aka Al-Khaliq.
Renowned atheist philosopher Antony Flew says about it: "Unfortunately, confession is good for the soul Therefore, I will start with the recognition that Stratonisian atheist humiliated by being forced today's consensus cosmology Therefore, it appears that the center of the cosmological provide scientific evidence .. that the universe has a beginning. "
Many scientists who do not blindly positioning itself as atheists have admitted a role in the creation of the Mighty Creator of the universe. This Creator must be He who created matter and time, but is not bound by them.
Astrofisika famous Hugh Ross said: "If the beginning of time equal to the early universe, as the statement of the theorem of space, it causes the formation of the universe must have something to work on time dimension completely independent and is available from the time dimension of the universe. The conclusion is tells us that God is the universe itself is God in the universe. "
That is, matter and time created by the Creator is not bound by them. This Creator is God, He is Lord of heaven and earth.
In fact, the Big Bang has created bigger problems for the materialists of the testimony of a philosophical atheist, Antony Flew. Reason, the Big Bang not only proves that the universe was created out of nothing, but it also created a very planned, systematic and orderly manner.
Big Bang explosion occurred through a point that contains all the materials and energy in the universe and its spread to every corner of the room with a very high speed. Of material and energy Therefore, their extraordinary balance of the surrounding galaxies, stars, sun, moon and other heavenly objects. established laws of nature, then known as the 'law of physics', which uniformly throughout the universe, and has not changed.
Law of physics that come with the Big Bang does not change at all for more than 15 billion years. In addition, this law is based on a comprehensive compilation of a millimeter, so that there are deviations from the value will result in the destruction of the buildings and fabric of the universe. All this suggests that the perfect order came after the Big Bang. However, the so-called surge menertibkan can not be perfect. All explosion likely dangerous, destroy, and destroy all that is. Ranging from volcanic eruptions until the explosion of a stove in the kitchen, all are destructive.
Therefore, if we are told about the emergence of a perfect order after the explosion, we can conclude that the intervention 'smart' behind this explosion, and all fields that spread as a result of the explosion has been driven very restrained.
Sir Fred Hoyle, who ultimately must accept the Big Bang theory after years of opposition, stated this clearly:. "The Big Bang theory states that the universe originated from a single explosion but, as is known, the explosion destroyed the material only in pieces, while the big bang mysteriously produced the opposite effect of material and joined together to form galaxies."
No doubt, if the orders come through the boom properly, we have to acknowledge that there are interventions that take part in the Creator every moment of this explosion.
Another thing unusual order in the universe formed following the Big Bang was the creation of "the universe that can be occupied. Conditions for the formation of a livable planet so very many and complex, making it impossible to assume that this formation is coincidental.
After making a calculation of the transmission speed of the universe, Paul Davis, a professor of theoretical physics major, believes that it has a speed unimaginable precision.
Davis said: "Calculation jelly is placed very close to the speed of development at which the critical numbers of the universe to escape from the gravity and the ever expanding universe little more slowly and will collapse, a little faster and the whole material universe is prevalent. It is clear the old. Big Bang explosion is not just ancient, but the explosion of a carefully planned. "
famous physicist Professor Stephen Hawking said in his Brief History of Time, that the universe is built based on calculations and balances more accurate than we imagine.
With reference to the speed of the spread of the universe, Hawking said: "If the speed of this expansion in a split second after the Big Bang is reduced if only one number per one hundred thousand million million, the universe would collapse before it reached the size at this time."
Paul Davis also explained that due to non terhindarkan from equilibrium and highly accurate calculation of this: "It is hard to avoid the impression that the order of the universe right now, that looks very sensitive to small changes in total, have been planned very carefully. Simultaneous appearance of the figure that appears miraculously, the use of constants of nature as a principle, should be the most convincing evidence for the existence of the universe design. "
With regard to the fact that this same American astronomer George Greenstein professor wrote in his book The Symbiotic Universe: "When we review all the evidence, thinking that always emerges is that the strength of the supernatural must be involved."
In summary, the current system of extraordinary look attractive in the universe, will we understand that the existence and how it works depends on a very sensitive balance and order that are too complex to be explained by chance.
As understood, it is impossible to balance and order this incredible formed naturally and by chance by a large explosion. The following order of formation of this kind of explosion like the Big Bang is one tangible proof of the existence of supernatural creation.
Design and order without par in the universe will prove the existence of the Creator, and Science, glory and His wisdom is infinite, "Who created matter from nothingness and the powerful organize without interference. This Creator is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds .
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